June 16, 2023
… Signs of burnout and hap-hazard self-care.
Today’s blog is all about Women’s Health >> and the causes of our mental, emotional & physical ill-health. The signs and symptoms of exhaustion. The reasons why we experience burnout and feel depleted and deflated. Sound familiar?
What is burnout? Burnout is a state of complete mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion. If you’re experiencing burnout, you’ll notice it’s difficult to engage in activities you normally find meaningful. You no longer care about the things that are important to you or experience an increasing sense of hopelessness. You’re in survival mode paying ridiculous prices for everything trading your life for the dollar. Ouch!
There’s nothing wrong with you. The internet if full of fluffy superficial ‘quick fixes’ to keep you keeping on. Bottom line is, there’s more to life than this.
→ If you’re navigating work/Biz and Mummahood, this post is for you.
Are you spinning your hamster wheel, doing all the things in struggle town? Juggling. Time poor. Hap-hazard self-care. Mum cafe-and-taxi service. Work. Side hustle. Housework. Mantras and multivitamins. Bourbon and bingeing. Groceries. High living costs. Never enough money. Sick and tired. Bored and lacklustre. Feeling depleted. Knowing this system has to stop but there’s no alternative? And the idiots keep it going. I hear you! And I have your back. Because your story is my story which is the global Feminine story.
→ There are a few key factors and underpinnings of it all, most of which society doesn’t address and prefers to gloss over. Women are bombarded and Soul eroded, every single day. From disparity to derogatory, the contempt and insults are everywhere.
From who you are and what you want vs what’s expected of you with male societal dictates. From sexism to misogyny. From hypocrisy to trafficking and absolute misrepresentation, in a system that runs counter to us, called patriarchy. Where men scoff and bimbos strip off.
→ It’s an anti-mothering system. It’s a gargantuan insult to Women.
5x things you need to Unlearn when you become a Mother in a man’s world.
The minefield of Motherhood misinformation. The mask of Motherhood. Hideous Mother-infant malpractices and separation techniques. Causes, signs and symptoms of illness. Persecution and breaking through the bias. Gender inequality. Wounded Feminine. Burnout and time poor. And mythbusting the ‘you can have it all’ farce. Hands up if you can see through this crap? Good, you’re in the right place.
→ Don’t lower yourself and quit fighting it. You’ll never get past the wanker club mentality. It’s too ingrained from king and clergy and the low level males in charge. Revolting and morally bankrupt. Leave them there. It’s time to about face and upsmart Ladies. There’s plenty of patriarchy to unlearn.
You know what you’re really struggling with?
The impact and after effects of generational oppression. In their quest for control and greed, this male paradigm has been very busy gender cleansing and annihilating our whole Feminine Culture over the last 2x millennia. And nothing is going to help you until you Deprogram & Recover from it. That requires a paradigm shift, a massive reset, and unlearning.
It’s time to undo the male reversals in our Mindset, Language, Birthing, Mothering, Mythology & Symbols. It’s high time for Women to relearn our true, rich Heritage straight out of Matriarchy. Because it’s the missing pieces you’re searching for that fills the gaping hole in reality and the hole in the Soul. The stuff they don’t teach you.
It’s time to turn around bright eyes. Time to shift and uplift from the global wounded Feminine. How do I know? Because I spent 3x decades researching and found it – Our true, rich, Feminine Culture and Higher faculties. Because I was disgusted and repulsed by this system. Because I grew up in it too. I see it everywhere. I knew there had to be something more, far above and beyond this.
I know Women are so much more than this. So began my life long quest. I know I was born to share this with you. Yep you. Yep, all of us. In every country and in every strata and in every tribe, profession, refuge and rubbish dump. Humanity is in crisis. We need a massive reset, not more of the same shit.
I’m here to show you how. Because this is not how we’re supposed to be living. And this is most certainly not how Women operate. This is not our never ending plight Ladies.
‘Healing the Feminine Psyche heals society’ ¬ Amanda jT
01. You Need to Stop.
Stop flogging a dead horse. Quit putting in the fake ass shit that your fatigued brain cannot and will not assimilate anymore, for good reason. It’s empty and pointless.
→ Here’s the truth: you need to reset your Mindset, your whole Psyche, just for starters. There’s a whole realm of Knowledge, Higher faculties, Language and definitions that is currently absent in reality that was once common knowledge. Once I learnt it, it shifted my whole mindset! It’s all Mind over Matter after all.
The current male way of thinking and doing things is not only wrong and backward, it’s downright dangerous and detri-mental. It’s anti Woman and anti-Mothering. But the great thing is, no peanut on the face of this Earth can beat the larger cycles at work. The pendulum is swinging Ladies. It’s new Era time. It’s Time to restore the Feminine to Her rightful place, recover, and pave a better way.
→ It’s time to re-learn the magnificent Wisdom, Knowledge and Principles, straight out of Matriarchy. The Knowledge of our foreMothers – yes the Wise women they burnt as Witches. The incredible advanced civilisations that lay in ruin around the globe.
Get out of the 5-sensory lab mentality and back into Earth & Soul Knowledge. Restore our Mammalian Clans for genuine rest, rejuvenation, free, safe and wise childcare, Matriarchal Style. A massive f*cking Reset. Yes it takes a Matriarchal Village to raise our children – a Mammalian Clan. But this ain’t it. Having a nanny means you ain’t mothering. Dropping your toddler to an institution ain’t mothering. (Their anxiety says it all!). Having a face plastered with make-up and fake lashes is time spent un-mothering. Trading your Soul and literally killing time, swapping labour for money in the survival job, is also anti-mothering.
→ Hands up all of you around the globe who have to walk away from your children day and night for the minimum wage. I did too. It’s awful. It’s abnormal. On every level. No amount of fake positive or male BS will change that.
You’re forced into one of two camps: sacrifice the dollar and meet your child’s needs or sacrifice your child’s needs for the dollar (or the degree or substance or fill-in-the-blank).
→ Babies are born brilliant. They don’t need training! Their mothers do. Toddlers are the Terrific Two’s, not terrible. Mothering is not formula and institutions! It’s realm far above and beyond. Yep, Earth Wise Mothering is another level of essential re-learning – covered in My Woman-lore Program.
Overwhelm + Underwhelm.
You’re all time poor in stress and emotional stacking to the point of overwhelm and underwhelm. Busy in survival mode trying to ‘keep positive’ in the ‘work-life balance’ farce. Wasting your time and life in jobs you hate. You’re all governed by the clock instead of Moon-time. Time is the one thing you never get back. You’re all in the debt/credit cycle with no Sovereignty. Hap-hazard self-care with anxiety and low self worth. You’re stuck in the waiting place watching the idiot box waiting for ‘likes’ on social media with no clue about which Constellation or Moon phase we’re in. STOP! It’s all bullshit!
Doing the same shit over and over, expecting different results, is insanity.

Pro tip:
You need Universal Intelligence (UI) and Multi-level Enrichment. You need genuine Feminine smarts, support and rejuvenation. You need genuine honour and respect – and the eradication of sexism and contempt.
02. About face Darling
Academia, technology, bots and anything artificial will never, ever, supersede the human Mind or Soul. The End. You’re all connected to gadgets yet disconnected from Life, the planet/s and each other. Millions of you are lonely. Millions of you feel dejected and depleted. Millions of you don’t know what to believe in anymore. Stop masquerading.
Everyone lately has two faces: the social/filtered political one and the one you wear to bed. The exhausted one. The survival one. The self doubt one. The abused one. The poor one. The hungry one. The ‘I’m not good enough’ one. The ‘I’m juggling and crashing’ one. The ‘fill-in-the-blank’ one with every single struggle you ‘cope’ with and suppress in order to keep on keeping on, until breaking point. The facebook face: living my best life with my real behind-the-scenes life in disaster zone!
Here’s the thing: you’re not meant to be stuck with a man, isolated, visiting mother’s groups, kicking the baby out of bed keeping him in it! Post natal depression and anxiety and every other fucking syndrome you suffer with, is a bi-product of patriarchy – a massive insult to injury.
Cry-it-out is a hideous, neglectful, harmful and sinister separation technique. Separation anxiety is exactly that. Imperfect, malnourished, lazy, formula mothering is not Mothering! Am I bugging you? Good. Because those of you who are awake will breathe a sigh of relief and the unconscious will bounce. This work is for those of you who are ready for the new era.
Your genuine Feminine self has been altered and wounded. Altered body image 101. Millions of women look hideous. Trout pout with fake everything. The wounded feminine! And guess what? Nothing will change until you do. But you have to know how. There’s work to be done Sistar. There’s major unlearning and re-learning to do.
→ It’s time to restore a baseline standard of Universal Intelligence and all that accompanies it. Time to shift and uplift out of this quagmire. Time for us Natural Born Leaders to pave the way.
So kick your shoes off, grab a cuppa and stay a while my Lady. Welcome back to the Woman’s Domain. Jam packed with Earth & Soul Knowledge, straight out of Matriarchy. As old as the hills and as pure as the driven snow. It’s nothing new under the sun. It was wiped out with the Witch mania and oppressed for 2x millennia. The damage is plain to see.
→ Matriarchy: a foreign concept to modern man. Yeah girlfriend, ‘the Truth will always out’ as they say. It’s all Interconnected, to the Moon and back. The time has come for Women to wise up and upgrade, stratosphere style, and lead the way.
03. It’s Time to Celebrate
His-story is done. Endex. On the way out for good! Watch them scramble and squeeze every last drop out of you. They have a vested interest in the maintenance and preservation of the status quo.

Says it all, huh.
Here’s a little his-story of a bigger mystery – for those of you who don’t know. Don’t take offense – we don’t have time for it. There are millions of young unconscious souls walking around with mass dysfunction and dis-ease who need a wake up call and those in-between who need insight into the real underpinnings of it all, with plenty of old souls fringe-dwelling or trying to do good things with little result. We don’t have time to pander down to the thin skinned, precious incompetent, policy bound ones, the depart-mental ones, the fear based limited mindsets, the dumbed down, the undesirables or the fuck ups.
Why? Because we’re on a collision course with the planet. Humanity is impoverished, in crisis and turmoil. Because they need us bright sparks to lead the way. Most don’t know they don’t know. Many feel stuck and hopeless. The masses fail to understand the Larger Cycles at work and collective lessons just for starters. And they’re stuck in the ‘old school’ stuff. It’s so last century Sistar, leave it there.
→ Understand this: ‘his-story has waged unremitting war on the Feminine in their quest for control and greed’. Wholly. Souly. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. Financially. This is the deep seated psychological and psychosocial causation of Women’s ill-health. The scholars don’t teach this – they’re all fluent in patriarchy. The white-washed, glossed over version they teach in church and school is utter bullshit. You need to see the bigger picture. Women were once fluent in Earth & Soul Knowledge – Astro-physical Knowledge and the Woman’s Domain. Pre his-story, we lived in the Matriarchal Ages.
This is not the human condition, simply conditioned humans in patriarchy ¬ Amanda jT
The very paradigm that caused this cannot fix this.
- Treating symptoms not causes is a futile, ineffective exercise
- The multi-trillion dollar sickness industry is not the health industry
- The beauty/wellness industry is the fake/superficial industry
- Solving problems with the same thinking that created them is futile
- No-one has gone back far enough to truly understand the ‘how and why’ we got here
- Labs and dollars are not the answer – never have been, never will be
- They persecuted and butchered us with their bibles in hand
- They are the original terrorists
- The causation of poverty, fears and illness
We live in significant times Ladies.
Breathe a sigh of relief! It’s Transition time – out of one paradigm into the next. It’s time for Matriarchy to return. We cannot continue as we are. But first, there’s work to be done. Knowledge to re-learn.
It’s always chaotic at the end of one and the beginning of the other. A grand old mess has been made, a right pig’s ear, with a grand mockery of Justice to boot. Who put the blindfold on Lady Justice with Her All Seeing Eyes?
→ Humanity is in turmoil. The global Feminine is wounded. And no amount of science or strategy, pills or policy, therapy, money or mantras gonna fix this. It’s all gone too far. This latest wave is indicative of the damage and yet another insult to Women. We do not have to ‘define’ who we are!
04. The Impact
The impact and effects of oppression are hideous, wide and far reaching. His-story have stooped to every sinister low imaginable to oppress the Feminine. It’s the global story. It’s his-story. It’s fucking criminal, atrocious and unacceptable. We cannot continue as we are. This is not our way forward.
→ As an astrologer, I can tell you the lesson of this last era, the last 2x millennia, is this: ‘what happens to humanity when the Feminine Principle + Culture is annihilated’? Have a look. On every level. Damage plain to see. This is the global story in his-story the world over. Anyone who dares utter the words ‘just get over it’ is ignorant.
→ A gargantuan injustice has been done, still is. Our Sistars are still being abused and suffering atrocities in many countries around the world, organised and funded. Genocide, war, the taliban, the rape of Nanking, the holocaust, hideous experiments (unit 731 in 1936, japan), fgm, trafficking, the list is endless. They know what they’re doing. Their control and greed at our expense.
Contempt, sexism and insult is everywhere. Movies are riddled with it. Same with everyday males. They use the word ‘cunt’ in their daily dialogue. You know the types, the tradies, the ‘blokey blokes’ who bend over backwards for each other with two faced ‘respect’ – one thing to our faces, another behind our backs.
This system has labelled us and our emotions as ‘crazy or hysterical’. Politicians have the audacity to dictate whether we give life or not. The west has gone made with pc suppression bullshit whilst the real issues abound. Wake up. The very system that creates it cannot and will not fix it. It’s just the same old ‘passive and resilient’ bullshit.
→ Dis-ease and violence cycles have been patriarchy’s order of the day. The self perpetuating system, battering the human race: Abuse, War, Injustice, Experiments, Hardship and heartache. Poverty. Mental ill-health. Depravity. Gender imbalance. Ignorance. Genocide. Grief. Dysfunction. Corruption. Syndromes and labels. Mother-infant separation techniques. Need I say more? No.
‘This is NOT our Natural State of Affairs Ladies’.
Scratch just beneath the surface, you’re all just getting by, feeling and experiencing the symptoms of Soul erosion and burnout: helplessness, cynicism, sense of failure, self-doubt, decreased satisfaction, feeling detached or alone in the world, loss of motivation. The bandaid of fake positives is just another suppression tactic.
Being wide awake on this ship of fools is draining.
Genuine, Conscious Womanhood and Earth Mothering is a realm far above and beyond this. This is why I spent 3x decades investigating. Because I’m a deep old soul. Because I was a Nature Child of the Earth living in this repugnant system. Because I had the eyes to see what most do not. Because I always knew there was so much more to this thing called Life. Because I had to find the answers. I had to seek far and wide for the soul food and wisdom I needed. The stuff that makes my heart sing and my soul soar, all the way back to Matriarchy.
05. Where to from Here?
It’s time to heal the global wounded Feminine. From the inside out. From your Psyche to begin with. And then the rest – Earth Knowledge + Soul Wisdom.
How cool would it be to have our children know their personality types, genuine Archetypes, their innate gifts and talents again? Imagine us all fluent in Earth Knowledge, Animal Medicine, Medical Astrology with Virtues as our currency again! Imagine what we’d achieve then! (hint: it’s not on the internet!).
It’s time to undo the patriarchal reversals in our Mindset, Language, Birthing, Mothering, Mythology & Symbols. It’s time to transform the way you view yourself, your relationships and the way you live on the Planet. It’s easier than you think.
It’s time to fill the gaping hole in reality. The hole in the Soul. The Soul of the Earth. The vital Nurturing Principle on the face of the Earth – Woman! You.
Woman is the Soul Aligned with Nature who brings forth Life.
It’s Time Ladies. It’s time to restore our Feminine Culture to her rightful place. Our ancient Knowledge, for modern women for the next generations. Our health and humanity depends on it.
Pro tip:
Being conscious and wide awake means you run deeper than most. You see, understand and know more than most. Speaking the truth is not negative. Avoid debates and arguments. The unconscious don’t know they don’t know. That’s why they’re happy in this system, all part of the problem. Trying to make changes within the system is a waste of time and energy. It’s a slow moving wheel. Pushing shit uphill. I get it, we’ve absolutely needed the movers and shakers of the past. But this time on Earth calls for the next level. Change is nigh. Gears have changed. Planets have aligned. Karmic Revolution has kicked in. Hold tight. It’s transformation and wake up call time.
There are Pillars of Women’s Wisdom and Well-being straight out of Matriarchy that need to make a come back into mainstream. Above and beyond the male frameworks.
Pro tips:
In the meantime, there are simple things you can do for your well-being. Work part time if possible or drop a day once a month. Take days off when unwell. Quit sending yourself and kids to work/school sick! Eat well. Teach your children life skills. They can make their own beds and school lunches. They can vacuum 1x week and wash the shower whilst they’re in it. My son had a ball with his mates in the bath with cloth, snorkel mask, bubbles and water all over the floor. Both were sparkly clean when they got out. Mop + drain = hey presto! Good job. Housework + fun.
Your self worth is not tied into ‘busy or supermum’ bs. If nothing else, sleep well. Nothing can be achieved overnight. Worry saps your energy and vitality. And money is not the be-all-end-all in life. (In fact it’s driving you in the wrong direction). Tap into your core values. And know that you’re worthy no matter how productive or unproductive you are. Life is an ebb and flow. It’s a two step and back step. And your life changes forever with children. It’s no longer your own. This society is anti-mothering, keeping you all time poor and keeping on regardless. It’s bullshit. Genuine rejuvenation and Earth Mothering requires different things.
→ Slowing down and being present for yourself and family is the most valuable thing you can do for yourself. Keep in mind: if you don’t make time for your wellness, you’ll be forced to take time for your illness. Read that again.
As a Women’s Mental Health Counsellor, I can tell you there’s a Collective grief cycle to heal. A global wounded Feminine and Psyche to heal. Injustice, hurt, anger and suppressed rage to heal. A gaping hole in reality to refill. Feminine honour and health to revitalize. A baseline standard to restore. And the answer comes straight out of Matriarchy.
→ The Knowledge that once filled our Grand Temples and Libraries. Our lost Civilisations.
As a Feminine Mindset Coach, I teach Women how to undo the patriarchal reversals in our Mindset, Language, Birthing, Mothering, Mythology and Symbols. How to offload conditioning. It’s paramount – an essential healing act for Women. It’s time to Deprogram, Recover and Empower from patriarchy and pave a better, wiser way. Welcome back to the Woman’s Domain!
→ The beauty of this work naturally shifts Women out of unconscious, dysfunctional, dis-ease behaviours INTO conscious, functional, dis-ease free behaviours. Many speak of the ‘unconscious drivers’ with no clue about the missing pieces – the Knowledge and Higher Faculties that lay dormant. Fate is indeed written in the stars. Your stars. But this society alters your trajectory. Dumbed down with hopes and dreams traded for the dollar. All with an inner sense there’s something more, something missing.
As the founder of Moonwise Academy and Woman-lore Program, this Volume of work is dedicated to Women and Children worldwide. MA was lovingly created as a Tribute to the Feminine. A Goldmine for savvy women. And absofuckenlutely dedicated to abolishing contempt and cruelty to women and children. Yep, Mindset + paradigm shifter-essing!
Still today, in many parts of the world, hideous patriarchal norms still exist, which means girls have little or no education, are married off young, have little or no control over themselves; their minds, emotions or bodies (whether through fgm, rape, access to contraception or abortions) or household income, and will have less digital access than boys. It’s absolutely vital we stamp out and abolish this mentality.
→ Please be mindful: addressing these issues and their origins is a Noble Act, not to be dismissed or invalidated with ‘it’s just feminism’. There’s plenty of patriarchy to unlearn for the respect and safety of every Woman and child for generations to come. Our health and humanity depends on it.
→ Women around the world are suffering mental, emotional and physical illnesses and exhaustion >> the impact of patriarchy and the effects of oppression. Human rights transcend all man made traditions, cultures and practices. Labs and dollars are not the answer. We don’t need more of the same stuff.
As a Feminine Mindset Coach I know that a Matriarchal Mindset is your #1 Success Tactic every day of the week. reLearning Our Heritage restores your honour and health from the inside out. I’m living, breathing proof. It’s my pleasure and my destiny to show you how.
To your stellar success and well-being as always.
xx Amanda
→ I have a really easy resource to figure that out, which you can find at MA/emp.guide
→ You can read more on my Women’s Health Counselling with related blog post here
→ Enroll in my mini course B99, Boundaries for Women here
→ Join my (annual) Woman-lore Program wait list here
Want to uplevel with community support plus plenty of tools and techniques to make it easy? Join my facebook group – you’ll learn how to spot a mindset block a mile away, and know exactly how to offload it.
My Gift to You