What is Matriarchal Mindset + How to Upgrade Yours.

September 3, 2024

Today’s blog is a tribute to the Feminine and my absolute passion – the Matriarchal Ages. A foreign concept to modern man, busy annihilating our magnificent Feminine Culture over the last 2x millennia. In their quest for control and greed, patriarchy has waged unremitting war on the Feminine. Cultural and sexual misrepresentation has ensued on a grand scale. The global Feminine is wounded. Humanity is in crisis. The damage to humanity is plain to see.

After 30 years research, my message to the world is that Matriarchy is the key that unlocks us to our fullest potential. Astro-physical Knowledge was once our common baseline. It lays in ruins around the world. It’s phenomenal. And it’s my pleasure and my destiny to bring it back.

Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Fed up with feeling exhausted, overworked, underpaid and time poor? Sick to death of trading your children, hopes and dreams for the dollar?

Are you done with high prices and this mans-world bullshit? Sick to death of injustice and derogatory? Good! You’re in the right place.

Ever feel as though you’ve been stuck at the same xyz level for years no matter what you try? There’s a reason for that.

The ONLY thing you need to do in order to be a healthy, wealthy, wise and empowered Woman is to deal with your mindset. 

The only thing? Yes!

Once you make the Matriarchal Mindset shift, the rest of it will fall into place. 

Anyone can follow a strategy or write a to-do list, recite mantras, manifest, meditate and all that woo-woo jazz but without a strong Matriarchal Mindset, you’re going to sabotage your life. Because it’s the same shit wrapped up and sold to you in different pretty, shiny packages.

It doesn’t matter where you are right now — whether you’re just starting out or you’re making good progress, albeit burnt out. 

Over the past 20 years working with Women and thousands of case studies later, I’ve found there’s not a single one of us who doesn’t need to keep working on NEW mindset blocks at each level. Yep, I still work on my mindset every day.

Once you shift into your Matriarchal Mindset, everything transforms. 

For years I was stuck in soulless jobs, earning the same amount of money and not fulfilling my potential or helping people. 

But I broke free and I’m here to show you how to do the same; how to change your beliefs about …. 

I’ll show you exactly how to shift your mindset, so you can begin enjoying health, honour and freedom immediately.

01. My Why.

I grew up in the 70’s with loud and proud sexism, racism and violence. I grew up with pedos around us. I grew up with sleazy males and wife swapping. I grew up with derogatory remarks, sexual harassment, no rights and corruption. It was f*cked up. It didn’t sit right with me. I knew, deep in my bones, that the World around me was incredible but the system around me was a revolting, ass-about-face mess. I knew I didn’t belong in it. I could see what most did not. I knew something was very, very wrong.

I was a gorgeous little Nature-spirit trekking around outside in the wide open and sweltering hot spaces of the Northern Territory, Australia. I loved and adored it and got to know that wild, magic, awe-inspiring place like the back of my hand. I grew up with a dysfunctional, abusive, single father barely at home, with aboriginals I did call home with the ‘white man’ running amok. I witnessed and experienced terrible things way too early that set the wheels in motion for my life long quest. I knew I had 2 choices: sink or swim. And swim I did, across oceans…

→ I know what it takes to turn your life around. I found what they don’t tell you. I’m here to share it with you.

02. What is Matriarchal Mindset?

It’s the root of all civilsation – Matrilineal kinship, Clans, Heritage, the Arts, Measurement, Star Time, Mathematics, Music, Harmonics, Rhythm, Language, Lexicology, Grammar, Nourishment, Health, Birth, Mothering and Astro-physical Knowledge – straight out of Matriarchy. But that’s covered in my Woman-lore Program. For now, I’ll keep it simple.

Matriarchal Mindset is Feminine Knowledge and Principles of our foreMothers, pre his-story, steeped in Honour and Higher faculties. It’s the offload of patriarchy. It’s the reset Woman need. It’s fills the gaping hole in reality. It’s an essential healing act for Women.

Calendar Consciousness began with Women, in-sync with that big silver ball in the sky.

Imagine: continue …

I stand before you a very, very, very Wise Woman, fluent in Matriarchy. I’m here to help you unlearn patriarchy and create new, empowering beliefs that will transform your life on every level. It’s as old as the hills and as pure as the driven snow.

03. The Heroine Code

…. there’s a wealth of Astro-Physical Knowledge buried underneath all this shit that needs to return. It’s vital for your health and well-being. It’s the reset Women need. And it’s my pleasure to show you how.

In creation. To be continued…

xx Amanda


→ I have a really easy empowerment resource to figure that out, which you can find at MA/emp.guide

→ You can read more on my Women’s Health Counselling with related blog post here

→ Enroll in my mini course B99, Boundaries for Women here

→ Join my (annual) Woman-lore Program wait list here

My gift to you.








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