June 17, 2023
… our whole Feminine Culture is wiped out?
Mental and physical ill-health on every level!
→ Humanity is impoverished, imbalanced and dysfunctional. Women and children are sick on every single level. Dis-ease and violence cycles on repeat. Cultural & sexual misrepresentation.
Because males in their quest for control and greed, have waged 2 millennia of unremitting war on the Feminine. And the damage is plain to see. Insult to injury. On every Soul and cellular level.
Go back in your minds eye to the witch mania days. The horror and terror. The madness and injustice. The hatred and brutality. To millions of Women around the globe, pregnant, young and old.
The magnificent Matriarchal Ages lays in ruin around the world. It’s not rocket science to figure out why humanity is in crisis now.
Firstly, let’s take a look at the detrimental effects of injustice, discrimination, violence, hatred and oppression, generation after generation.
The Impact of Oppression
The state of being oppressed – the feeling of being heavily burdened on every level, mentally, physically and emotionally by troubles and adverse conditions:
- slavery and cults
- cruelty and restraints
- dis-ease and violence cycles
- war and genocide
- anxiety and depression
- displacement and homeless
- abuse and chronic ptsd
- hunger, weight and eating disorders
- incest and peadophilia
- fears and mental illness
- heartache and grief
- lies and protection rackets
- poverty and malnutrition
- distorted beliefs and worldview
- hopes and dreams destroyed
- loss of family and knowledge
The after effects are disastrous. Morally bankrupt males in charge. Unconscious, dysfunctional parenting. Wounded children in adult bodies. Disparity, destitute and desperate. With every syndrome under the sun.
This is the deep seated psychological and psychosocial causation of Women’s ill-health.
and now men. The damage is plain to see. Insult to injury. When they violated and suppressed the Feminine en masse, they wounded themselves in the process. The current state of humanity is simply the end bi-product of it all.
The Global Wounded Feminine.
The list is endless. This is not our Natural State of Affairs Ladies.
- gender based abuse & violence
- altered body image & weight issues
- managing time – clock vs Moon-time
- knowing where to start & self doubt
- lack of motivation, inadequacy
- fear of opinions (self/others)
- fear of innate Feminine Power
- low self-confidence & worth
- disorganisation, fatigue
- drama/gossip
- poverty & stigma
- codependency/ gold digger
- domestic violence
- economic injustice
- racial injustice
- controlled by male order
- unconscious Mothering
- birth trauma
- homeless & hungry
- substance abuse
- prostitution, porn
- dishonour, degradation
Pro tip:
‘There’s no chemical remedy for a spiritual problem‘ ¬ Someone once said.
Nor a label. Or any other 5 sensory, left hemisphere, lab rat mentality. When the Feminine Psyche is wounded, so too is the mind, body & society. It’s that friggin ‘simple. So go back in your mind’s eye and visualise the terror of the Witch mania. Visualise her being burnt at the stake. She’s endured the horror of rape, the terror and agony of torture and burning to death. Dishonoured on every level. You are her descendant. Read that again.
01. Mindset + Language
Secondly, do yourself a favour and quit regurgitating the male reversals. Why? Because they impact your Psyche, your Beliefs and biochemistry, every single moment of every single day. Here’s the thing: they wiped out our foreMothers, our ancestors, the Wise-women, the Witches and then had the audacity to brutalise us, impoverish us, control us, abuse us, label us, institutionalise us, experiment on and ‘study’ us. Then class themselves as our experts!
Well my gorgeous one, I’m here to help you and the sleeping beauty’s awaken and kick ass. Ultimately, I’m going to help you undo the male reversals in our Mindset, Language, Birthing, Mothering, Mythology and Symbols. To help you Deprogram, Recover and Empower from patriarchy and settle back into your Natural State of genuine Feminine Health, Honour and Wisdom, from the inside out. Then you’ll really live your best life!
Fact: Calendar consciousness began with Women. Marking our cycles on cave walls in sync with that big silver ball in the sky. Here we have the very first Astrologers and Mathematicians – our first professions. Fast forward thousands of years, our foreMOthers, the Witches, were fluent in Astrophysics Astrocartography and Astrology (study of the Soul & our evolutionary process). Ever wondered why they were persecuted? Now you do. Our magnificent Goddess Culture, the Matriarchal Ages, our Mother model of higher faculties & cooperation, lays evident and in ruin around the world.
→ Matriarchy – a foreign concept to modern man. The scholars are fluent in his-story.
Have you ever watched the movie Avatar? Well this is same, same but different. This paradigm wiped out our Matriarchal Wisdom, Knowledge & Principles and is now attempting to feed us their left-brain, science-based academia, based on male thinking & experiments. Lopsided and completely devoid of the Feminine Principle. Completely devoid of Earth & Soul Knowledge. Completely devoid of the Starwheel and Sacred Geometry. It’s an Insult to injury. An absolute insult to Intelligence.
‘This is not the human condition, simply conditioned humans in patriarchy’ ¬ Amanda jT
Fact: the human Soul & Mind is unquantifiable. The Feminine Soul & Mind is above and beyond 5 sensory, left hemisphere, academia and science. The Feminine Soul does not fit into the masculine mould (or vice versa). Nor should it. We’re fundamentally different on every level, for good reason. Attempting to do so is nothing short of sheer stupidity, ignorance and dysfunction. Keep in mind humanity is in turmoil. And you’re Unlearning.
→ When the Feminine Culture is annihilated, the Feminine self and identity is also wounded and damaged, on every level.
02. Our Rich Her-itage
Thirdly, let me give you a glimpse into this phenomenal field. Let me take you on a very simple loop of a very astounding Cycle. Just one of many. All interconnected. Too broad to cover here and one I cover in my Woman-lore program.
Since the dawn of time humans have looked skyward and pondered the Universe, the Cosmos. Since the dawn of time Women have understood Moon-time and saros cycles. They understood the ebb and flow, the rhythm and cycles of the Moon. The Moon, is Governess of our Timing Cycles here on Earth. Governess of our Feminine Moon-blood and the Oceanic tides, just for starters. Fast forward thousands of years to our Great Libraries and Temples. That were violently torn down and burnt, left in ruin around the world.
Did you know, king and clergy adjusted time on Earth? Do you know you’re being governed by their clock instead of Moon-time, Feminine Time, seasons and cycles, out of sync with the Starwheel and sidereal Star-time? Now you do.
Did you know king & clergy deemed Women would birth in sorrow, alone in view of them, vulnerable and in harms way, flat on back which increases pain, diminishes blood flow, oxygen and gravity. Anti-birthing. Now you do.
Did you know that our once noble Queens were reduced to ‘token Women for breeding purposes only’ by homosexual king and clergy whilst they were all in bed with each other? Massive insult. Huge. Still going on. Now you do.
Queens are noble Women. The end.
Conscious cats have noticed the subliminal removal of the word ‘which’? Now replaced with grammatically incorrect ‘what’ for everything. Painful loss of grammar and lexicology.
We have 13 months and 13 moons and 1200 Saros Cycles. And that’s just the Moon. Ever wondered what the rest of the Planets are doing? Ever wondered their dance and interrelationships around the sun? (Sacred gemoetry)
The first day of the year is the 21st of March, always known as Lady day. Have you ever wondered why your new year’s resolutions rarely come to frutition? January is balsamic >> time of rest. Now you do.
Have you ever wondered that Oct means 8 and Dec means 10, so how is October the 10th month and December the 12th? Now you do.
Do you know the Pyramids are Grand Libraries of Astrophysical Knowledge? The triangular prisms that represent the 3x Phases of Women: the Maiden, Mother and Crone, completely insync with the Starwheel and the Cosmos. Now you do.
Do you know the Unified Web of Life and the Starwheel are inter-connected? And that once upon a time this was common knowledge. Towns and cities were built with the coordinates of Constellations. Now you do.
It’s called Universal Intelligence.
‘Humanity needs a hefty dose of UI, not ai’ ¬ Amanda jT
03. Dishonour
Imagine this: the village is in carnage after the rape and pillage of our Wise women and our Warrior men. The children are terrified. You and I, the child survivors, way, way back then. The male order rounds us up. We’re now homeless and Motherless and left at the mercy of these filthy assholes. There’s no mercy. The word fuck stands for ‘fornication under command of the king’.
They legalised the rape of every child over the age of 6. That age changed to 12 in the 16th century. They sealed our hellish fate. Child brides. Genital cutting (circumcision & fgm). Foot binding. Funeral pyres. Domestic violence. Injustice. Disparity. Slavery. Institutions. Birthing in sorrow in front of king & clergy. And the list above. And those children, our ancestors, were damaged, wounded children in all manner of fear, stress and strife, who grew into adult bodies. Who tried to parent the best they could. Rinse and repeat generation after generation, until today.
→ The impact and effects of Feminine dishonour and oppression are abundantly clear today. Labs, dollars academia and ai are not the answer. Never have been.
This is why Women are sick and tired.
All with the sense there’s something missing. And nothing will change until you do. Turn around bright eyes. The underpinnings of Feminine ill health stem from the Witch mania. The Feminine Psyche cannot be healed by a male order, with male ways of thinking, that created the wound, the dishonour and the dis-ease, in the first place.
→ Do you know the word cunt comes from the Feminine word Cunti – meaning to revere Life, Mother and Kinship. Now you do.
Did you know that when males raped, butchered, tortured and burnt our Witches at the stake, destroyed our great Libraries and Temples and obliterated our magnificent Goddess Culture, they turned the word Cunti into cunt – hate woman. Now you do.
Did you know the yin/yang symbol represents the 8x Phases of the Moon? Now you do.
Do you know Women are not the passive principle? Here to submit to man? (Aristotle). They have an orgasm, we do the rest.
Bringing forth life is the very Active Principle on Earth Sistar. We are the Creatrix. Keep that in Mind.
The genuine Feminine Principle is Noble, not bra burning. Next level intelligence.
04. Unlearning
Yes, there’s major unlearning to do. It’s easier than you think. It’s my Destiny and my Honour to bring it back to you. Back into our Consciousness for Consciousness. Back into mainstream. To fill the gaping hole in reality. For us, our children and the well being of our next generations. For the new Era of Oneness, Unity and Peace.
Yep, there’s a lot to undo. Plenty of patriarchy to unlearn. It’s going to take some time and elbow grease. (Don’t panic: you don’t have to study for years! Woman-lore is 3 tier and sequential from beginner, intermediate to advanced). But once you start you’ll gain momentum and never look back. You’ll never view yourself or Life the same way again. You’ll find the missing pieces. And then you’ll pass it on to your Daughters, your family, your community and your nation. And our precious son’s too. We’re all in this together.
‘Healing the Feminine Psyche heals society’ ¬ Amanda jT
But right now, we need to heal the Feminine Psyche, the Mothers, the children and society. And then we can unite again. Tribal, black, red and white. We’re all human, living on a massive ball spinning around a sun with a moon that shifts our oceans! Mother Earth does not need our management. No-one owns land except Mother Earth herself. There’s only one of you in the whole World. And that’s fucking phenomenal!
05. Soul Food + Spidey Senses
I know it’s Time to restore our Great Libraries and Temples again. I’d love to see us all shift, uplift and rise up and really tune in to our incredible Minds, Higher faculties and Multi-senses again. And reconnect to the Web of Life and the Starwheel. Imagine what we’ll achieve then! (hint: it’s not woo-woo mumbo jumbo).
I want to see our Children of the Earth back in Earth & Soul School. I know for a fact that there is so much more to Us and our Potential than this shit. Which percentage of your brain do you use? And how much Time are you wasting? On survival? On depression? On tv? On social? On fakeness? On mind numbing bullshit? Completely disconnected girlfriend!
Have you ever felt there’s more to Life? Ever wondered your purpose and why it seems ellusive? It’s not on the internet! It’s not a quiz! It’s not in school – the operant conditioning system on Earth. It’s being drowned out in this paradigm that literally costs you and the Earth. It’s sitting in your garden! It’s written in the stars! It’s inside you and all around you! Sadly, it’s not taught anymore.
Yes, it takes courage to heal. But you don’t have to go it alone. It’s not hard, this unlearning. It took me 30 years and a few lifetimes but lucky for you, I’m the Feminine Soul ninja, here to fast track you. I was born for it. It’s my gift to you. Because I’ve been where you are. I have the eyes to see what most do not. I know the Earth-Soul Knowledge inter-connection like the back of my hand. I know what it takes to Reset + heal the Feminine Psyche. How do I know? I’m living, breathing proof.
As a Feminine Mindset Coach, and Women’s mental health counsellor, I know that a Matriarchal Mindset is your #1 Success Tactic every day of the week. I know you need to undo the reversals in your Mindset, Language, Birthing, Mothering, Mythology & Symbols. I know you have precisely what you need inside you. It’s my pleasure to show you how.
xx Amanda
→ I have a really easy resource to figure that out, which you can find at MA/emp.guide
→ You can read more on my Women’s Health Counselling with related blog post here
→ Enroll in my mini course B99, Boundaries for Women here
→ Join my (annual) Woman-lore Program wait list here
Want to uplevel with community support plus plenty of tools and techniques to make it easy? Join my facebook group – you’ll learn how to spot a mindset block a mile away, and know exactly how to offload it.
My Gift to You
